Ancient Egyptian's Truth and Inventions

Ancient Egyptian is one of the oldest CIVILIZATION in the world. Egypt is very famous for it's mummies, pyramids and farrows. Ancient Egyptians were great architecture and mathematicians. For every body part a different doctor was there. They were so smart at that time so they invented lot of things that we use in current days.

Ancient Egyptians are the creator of lot of things which are most using things in current days. They invented things are-
• Pregnancy Tests, pregnancy test was invented by them. For this, they use parle of wheat because it grows if water of the women contains pregnancy rather than it don't grow and it is scientifically proved.
• Written Language, Ancient Egyptians invented the written language.
• Tables, Even they invented tables due to some hygiene and portability.
• Wigs, They used to shave their hairs because of high temperature so they invented wigs so they can choose their hairstyle as their mood.
• Toothpaste, They were so passionate to Higgins they invent toothpaste to keep their mouth fresh.
• Breath Mints, Not only toothpaste bad breathing was a huge issue so they find the solution of it they invented breath mints as well.
• Eyes makeup, Eyes makeup was also invented by ancient Egyptians.
• Calendar, They invented the calendar for Inundation, Growing and Harvesting. Each of these with 4 months and every month with 30 days. Only 5-6 days less than our current calendar.
• Beer, Invention of beer is also done by ancient Egyptians.
• Locks, They use to door lock at that time, it was invented by china or Egyptians.
• Toilet Papers, They also discovered toilet papers due to shortage of water.

Their laws were strict but helpful for Egyptian at that time. They formed the first police system guard as dogs, cheetahs and monkeys. Criminal was treated badly at that time, they use to cut off the nose of culprit. Equality has been around men and women worked equal under the law. Women could live freely such as they're freely able to do Marriage or divorce and buying properties. Jobs for everyone was provided.

They worship more than 2000 god and goddess. Cats were assumed symbol of special god in ancient period. Almost every home used to pet a cat at that time. They were so special for them if a cat killed by someone by mistake that person was punished as death. In order of death of a cat they buried it and they put milk, toys near to their coffin. Hieroglyphics are also used by Egyptians they often used to draw and craft the wall with some stories.

Royal families were treated as special respect and behavior. In royal families they could have up to 100 child. They used to eat a lot and they were fat disease of diabetes and heart problem. King use to honey coat to it's slave so that no fly could disturb them. They love to play bowling. They uses to brain out through the nose before mummification. Organs putted into the special jars. Just heart is putted into their body before mummification. Fake beard was also used by ancient Egyptians.

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There are some myths regarding pyramid but truth is Pyramids are built by slaves and special workers such as artists and architectures. They used to work in shifting of 2 to 3 months. Workers were treated as royalty. Good food, beer and money was provided to them.


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