Amazing Facts about Chicken

Amazing Facts about Chicken and Amazing abilities of it. 

Amazing Facts about Chicken
We humans love to eat chicken, but do know how much interesting a chicken is? There are variety of amazing things that it holds. Some amazing facts about chickens are-


Hen can lay eggs in various colors such green, blue, Brown and white. In natural conditions, a wild hen lays green or blue coloured eggs.
Hen lays in variety of colourz

Feelings and intelligence

It can feel pain and stress at the time of emptiness or loneliness.
Chickens are very intelligent and gift with great learning memory.

Female's ability

Hens have an amazing skill to eject the unwanted sperm from unwanted partner. They can choose the selected father for upcoming descendants. Mother hen can talk to its babies if they are still in egg.
Chicken abilities

Chicken language

Chicken have their own language to communicate with each other. Around 25 different vocals are used to transfer the message from one to another.


They have very good visuals in their eyes. They are able to differentiate between 100 different humans. They are also gifted with very sharp memory so they can identify the person if they have met before.

Small dinosaurs

Chickens are the closest animal of dinosaurs(tiranosaurce).
Closest animal to dinosaur

In natural atmosphere chickens can live up to 11-13 year years, but in unwanted conditions it can live only 1 year.

Domestication and production

Chickens are domesticated from last 2000 years for eggs and meat. In current days, it is 1st priority food when it comes to nonveg in many countries. One of the trending food in the world in chicken.
Every year 50 billion chickens are born. Chickens are used to farm last for 8000 years. Total number of production records is 25 billion chickens.

Heartbeat rate of single minute in 275.

Tough survival

Chicken can live for a long period without its head off. Once, a chicken named as Mike survived up to 18 months without head.

Other amazing facts of chicken

Alektorophobia is a condition in which human start afraid from chicken
Chicken do watch dreams.
Chickens don't pee.
Roosters perform dance to impress female chickens and bigger tops on head are considered attractive.

Query solved

It is also believed that hen came first than egg. Because a protein that is consists in eggs it only may found in chicken body
Chicken loses feathers in the condition of stress


Chickens are omnivores, it means they don't eat just grains but it can eat seeds, insects, small lizards and mice. But chickens don't have sweet taste buds so they can't taste sweet flavours.


A chicken contains more bones in it's neck as comparison of Giraffe.

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We are so close to these little friends but still we are not aware of it. If you like this article useful you can share it.


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