Mountain peak in ₹100 rupees note

In India, we daily use ₹100 rupees note, We see the picture of mountain peak on the ₹100 currency every single day but still we are not aware of it. A German tourist asked 5-6 Indians showing the 100 rupees note that which mountain peak is this and where is it?
Surprisingly, none of them could answer it. Almost 95% people of India really do not know about it. Well, this mountain peak is Mount Kanchenjunga. This mountain peak contains 3rd highest peak in the whole world. Height of Kanchenjunga is 8586 meter from the sea level. This mountain lies in between Nepal and party in north west of Sikkim(India). In Nepali Language it also known as Kumbhkaran Langoor. There are total 5 highest peaks around with Kanchenjunga. 25 may 1955 was the day when 2 visitors JOE BROWN and GEORGE BAND from United Kingdom climbed this huge mountain first time.

Reason behind this picture on ₹100 currency is this mountain is situated at the border of India-Nepal. It lies between Nepal and India. Mount Kanchenjunga contains highest peak of India. That is the why this picture picture of mountain is situated on the ₹100 rupees currency. Indian money is not made with paper completely. It is made with composition of cotton and textile fiber in fine way to not get destroyed in wet conditions and touch of water.

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There are many rare animals are living in Kanchenjunga national park. The actual picture is captured from PEELING(Sikkim). Sikkim is one of the smallest and beautiful states in India. It is also cleanest state of India as well. Sikkim is first Indian state to become fully organic and producing all vegetables through organic farming.

The RBI is the sole issuer of Indian currency. Each currency note has different security features. The ₹100 rupee note has various security features. You can check the numeric ₹100 in the middle of the vertical band when it seen in against light. Number of panels in hundred rupees currency always be in ascending size from left to right. Where the first three alphabets will remain same constant in size. RBI and 100  can be seen with the help of a magnifying glass in the zoom between Gandhi portrait and the vertical band. A triangle is printed with intaglio print(raised ink) that can be felt by touch. This feature is very useful for blind people.


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