Dubai has almost 0% crime rate

In these days often we hear about crimes. Crime rate is increasing day by day. But do you know there is a city that has almost 0% crime rate. Yes, actually it is true and that city is Dubai from UAE.

In Dubai, there is no crime. It is one of the safest city in the world. Reason behind this lowest crime rate is Modern Technique plays a huge role. Fully developed Technology helps to reduce the crime rate as well. Well trained police officers are also reason behind this low crime rate. It is safe because laws of Dubai are very strict. Dubai consist on Sharia Law. It is a strict Muslim law, In which leaving Islam is also a religious crime. It is one of the dangerous law. Dubai is fully covered by wireless and wired network trap.

In Dubai, There are only 15000 police officers. Dubai police uses Robots as well; But still Dubai police has lot of specialties to reduce crime rates. Dubai police  uses DNA and Finger Prints to identify the victim. They have placed GPS system and CCTV cameras all over the Dubai so they can easily trace the culprit.

Dubai police have installed over 700 radars all over the Dubai. Anyone can spot them most of  everywhere. In the case of over speeding or jumping a red signal near a radar, you will be easily caught by police. Almost Dh300 to Dh3000 is the fine according to their speed. On highways, the radar can detect the speeds, easily identify vehicles and lights as well. These radars are capable of monitoring cars within a distance of 200 meters. According to Dubai police the traffic violations have decreased by 18%, since the implementation of radars.

Dubai police uses most expensive sports car to reach the crime place as fast as possible. They use Ferrari, Lamborghini, Audi , BMW, Bugatti, Mclaren etcetera. Dubai police also uses specially modified cars. Every modified car can have up to 12-eye camera with 360° vision,  placed on the top of the roof. A laptop is also placed inside the car connected with all cameras.

If you want to be a cop then you have to study in different manner according to their laws which is also famous as the name "POLICE SCIENCE". They posts as police officer only their own citizens that have permanent resident. Dubai police use helicopters and boats to in the case of criminal activity. Dubai police has a aim to reach zero % death rate on roadside accidents by 2021.


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