Unknown facts of Google

Unknown facts of Google:

The most reliable and loyal search engine of internet is Google. In 1995, Google started its business. Google in invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. First suggested name of Google was 'back-rub'. Google word is wrong pronunciation that is derived from Googol, which is used in mathematics that holds 1 to 100 zeroes. Search engine of Google consist the memory of 100 million Gigabyte, for holding this huge data 1,00,000 drives of 1 Terabyte are required.

google unknown facts
Home page of Google appear so basic and simple because creators of google do not have knowledge of HTML. For a long time there was no submit key, google used the return button to examine the tag after functioning that.

Amazing facts: There are lot of things regarding google that you did not know about it.
Some of facts that may amaze anyone are:

• Founders of Google have permission to land their aircraft in NASA, they're not working in NASA but still first two men though who have permission.
• In Google headquarter, Google uses 200 goats to clean the grass from its lawns. In Google headquarters, there is a food corner in every 150 feet to take care of their employees or motivation.
• On an average, Every week Google buy a new company and combines it to the Google.
• In 1999, Google was almost sold to Excite company in 1 million dollars but Excite rejected the offer of Google.
• Every second more than 60,000 searches are made on Google.
• Google Map or Google Earth can measure moon and mars as well.

In the 40 different countries there are more than 70 offices of Google. More than 127 companies are purchased by Google in last 12 years. Over 47,000 employees are working for Google. Every week 20,000 candidate applies in Google. Google uses a web tool named as foo.bar that helps to Google to get the information of candidate employees what he/she have searched just to selected a perfect candidate according to candidate's search history.

Google earn over $3392 dollars every second. Almost $50 billion is annual revenue of Google. More than 95% income comes from Google absence or adwords through advertising. A lot of death benefits are provided to Google employee's, in the case of serious disease and employee death 50% of salary is provided to family to upcoming next 10 years.

Releasing and purchases: Google made various profitable steps to enhance the business.
Some main purchases and releases of Google are:

• 1st Google doodle was formed 30 august, 1998.
• October 2000 Google released Google adwords online campaign.
• At 1 April, 2004 Google gmail was introduced, high storage capacity and fast mail sending makes it very popular.
• Almost 804,600 km area is covered by google street view for Google map. In 2005, google map and google earth launched by Google.
• YouTube was purchased in $1.65 billion in 2006. Currently most video uploading platform.
• In 2 September, 2008 google chrome was launched that is currently most used browser in the world.
• Google play store is also introduced in October 2008.

Googles uses name of android versions on the behalf of eating stuff. Google uses more than 88 languages on its home page. Google uses lot of algorithms to show best result to user in less than a second. There are 23 markup errors in google search engine.

For more information watch video https://youtu.be/SeFGZ7LKWYE
other facts can be seen on Google+

Google have purchased a lot of domains those are similar to google such as googlr, goggle because they don't like to marketing to others.


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