Mystries and amazing facts about universe

In today's world human knows everything regarding any topic but still there are some topics those are still not known properly like Universe. There are various of mysteries about universe. Every day human get to know something new.

Some unknown things of universe are Everything in universe is in moving state(moon rotates around the earth,earth rotates around the sun, sun rotates around the galaxy. Galaxy- milky-way). Universe is silent there is no voice in space. If we are in space our height increase 2 inches  because of zero gravity force. Moon is getting away 1.15 inches every year from earth. Footprints of Neal Armstrong on moon can be seen up to next 10,00,00,00,000 years. We can not count the stars because every day every second millions of new star created in universe and get destroyed as well.

Size of Sun=10,00,000 Earth. Real color of sun is white but because of atmosphere of earth it looks like orange-yellow. If two pure metals met in universe they will stick to together, this process called as cold welding. One day of Venus is more than it's year. One day of Venus is equal to 243 days of earth and one year of Venus is equal to 225 days.

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There is a diamond planet named as 55 CANCRI E in space. It is equal to three combined earth. In the space, there is Floating water source(planet) that contain 140 times trillion water than earth. There is an ethyl alcohol liquor source cloud floating in universe named as SAGITTARIUS B. Smell of universe is like burned metal or meat. According to studies universe tastes like raspberries.

It is unable to see any thing in space because it is mostly covered by darkness. Universe is built with 4.6% atoms, 71.4% dark-energy and 24% dark-matter. On earth, Every living or non living thing is based on the theory of Baryonic Matter which based on electrons, protons and neutrons. All these are just part of atoms which is nearly 5% of whole universe. Black holes are very powerful so it can destroy stars, planet, galaxy and light as well.

One astronomer suit is built with the cost of $12 million dollars. It is impossible to cry in space. In space, urine is converted into drinking  water with the help of some process. It was discovered that cockroaches born in universe are much more smarter and powerful than normal cockroach. They grows faster in space.


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