2 unique egg laying mammals

We know mammals are the animals those who gave birth to babies. They don't lay eggs like birds, insect or reptiles. But there are two egg laying mammals exist in this world. Yes, it is true. First is Platypus and Echidna is 2nd. Platypuses and Echidnas are the only two mammals in the world that they lay eggs instead of giving birth, this process is called as Monotremes. They both are very mysterious animals.

Platypus: It is an animal that has whipped feet like a frog, a bill like a duck, poisonous like snake, tail like a beaver. One of the phenomenal thing about this animal lays eggs like a bird. This animal spend it's all life under the water or underground. They are able to walk to land as well.
While they're under water in the hunt of meal they closes their ears and eyes. Platypus eats insects, larva and shrimps and many small things. They use electrolocation  to search food. This awesome power of electroreception located in their bills. The platypus utilizes pouches in its mouth to bring hunted meal back to the ground to eat easily in future. It can eat up to 20 percent of their body weight. They do not have any nipples but they produces milk through out their body like sweat, so babies can lick it up. One more thing is that they are the only venomous mammals on the earth.

Echidnas: It is a little mammal that can get to 17.5 inches in size and 14.5 pounds in weight. Often echidna's body is protected with two layer of hairs. Short hair helps to maintains the body temperature so it acts like a fur and long hairs turn into spikes that works as protection against predators. These spikes cover all over it's upper body from head to tail. Any kind of danger felt by echidnas they transform their-self into a ball with spikes. So no any other animal able to harm them.

  • Echidnas have great sense of smell. They eat ants and white ants. Echidna uses its long tongue to eat ants from their colony to make them up. Echidnas lays egg into their body pouch like kangaroos. It takes almost 10 days to hatch the egg. They don't have tits. Actually they have milk patches on their body. Baby echidna sucks milk from these patches.

Echidnas have another unique ability.
Male echidnas are gifted with 4 headed penis and female echidnas with 2 vaginas. They have special cells in their pee so they're sensitive to electromagnet signals coming through living animals all around them, it is very similar to sharks and other water animals but echidnas are the only animal on land.


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