Axotatl salamander reproduction of body parts

The Axolotl, a unique salamander that have some tremendous qualities. Axolotls are amphibians in the same vein of other salamanders. It means that it is skilled of having life equally on ground and in lake. Axolotls has slick coating and lays smooth eggs. Often we see axolotls in pink or white colors but wild axolotls are actually more black, greenish and brown.

These little creatures have awesome reproductive system of their body part. Suppose it loses leg or any other body part than it can regenerate that body part again. Not only it's leg it can reproduce tail, arms, spine and some parts of brain as well. They've the potentiation the cure many disease. Axolotl can regenerate very well. They never grow up. This procedure is known as 'Myotonic'. They never develops into adults. But they grows mature enough to reproduce. Not only once they can reproduce their body parts perfectly again and again. No matters how many times you cut of their limbs though grow back perfectly.

After the amputation the cells of the set of the amputation loose their identity. So instead of being skin cells or blood cells they become to similar to stem cells. They are able to make any cell and tissue that body need the prepare itself. In this case they use the PLURIPOTENT cells to regenerate all the cells and tissues to develop a body part again. One more interesting thing is that these salamander are able to develop plug and play body parts as well. It means two body parts at the same place.

They are actually the most scientifically researched salamanders in the world. Scientists are looking to see if they can inherit with human so we can reproduce many parts of body such as axolotls. They are also 1000 times resistance to cancer than mammals. Scientists are trying to identify certain gens in axolotls, they are responsible for these things. There is still long way to go. According to scientists, in future it is possible to tissue healing for burnt victims, eliminating complications in transplant and helping in cancer as well. This procedure may come true next 10 to 50 next years.

Axolotls are used to pet as well. Anybody can buy an axolotl through the internet in cost of 20$ to 25$ online. Axolotl is very soft animal, it needs extreme care. It Should not be touched by humans.

These creature spend their entire life under water using their feather gills to breath. They can live up to 15 years. They can come up to land as well. They have intense ability to regenerate. Many other amphibians have abilities to regenerate but Axolotls blow the competition out of the water.

Axolotls are in danger. Lakes in which they found are getting so much affected by human. Neglection and pollution is responsible to axolotls survival making very tough. In many countries axolotls are used as food which is decreasing their number day by day. Since the axolotls are very uniquely find in wild. In-fact a recent study found no axolotl living in wild.


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